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Where the teaching of the Word is combined with the power of the Holy Spirit and people discover they are 

Chosen, Changed, and charged!



Saturdays @ 6PM 
Sundays @ 9am & 11am


Sundays @ 10am


Saturdays @ 6PM 
Sundays @ 9am & 11am
We are taking many precautions to keep our congregation & volunteers safe, including:
  • A touch-less service from the parking lot to the auditorium. 
  • Limiting the number of guests in the building.
  • Continuing our rigorous cleaning schedule. 
  • We encourage all guests to wear masks and use provided hand sanitizer.
  •  Children’s areas are closed and families will worship together.  
If you're not ready to meet in person yet, that's OK! We want you to feel comfortable! Please visit our online campus and join our online family!


Maumee Campus Walk Through

Fremont Campus Walk Through

Welcome to a TOUCH-LESS Experience! 

For your safety during these times, we are are offering a TOUCH-LESS experience at theChurch! From the parking lot to the auditorium, you can expect social distancing and a  touch-less experience.  

theChurch is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for God's glory. Join us for our weekend services either in Maumee, OH, Fremont, OH, or Online!

Our Senior Pastors

In 1974, after receiving a BA from Lee University, Tony & ShirleyAnn Scott accepted the pastorate of their first church in Sylvania, Ohio, with a congregation of 45 people. Their vision was to impact the city by helping people connect with God and reach their full potential. The congregation began to grow and in 2005, theChurch purchased this 57-acre campus, which was formerly a Fortune 500 company.

In April of 2003, their vision was expanded by opening a campus in Fremont, Ohio where the life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of weekend services is contributing to the growth of these campuses.
With a stronger passion for ministry and Chris-centered living, our pastors' hearts remain true to God's Kingdom.  They have committed their lives to teaching the Word of God, mentoring and helping people discover their purpose and live their God-intended destiny.

Get to know more about what makes us different.

Service Times

3000 Strayer Road, Maumee, OH 43537

Saturday Evening


Sunday Mornings

9:00am & 11:00am

1105 County Road 41, Fremont, OH 43420

Sunday Mornings

Watch live online - Saturdays @ 6pm and Sundays @ 9 & 11am

Get In Touch

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